Flash is dead, long live Flash! It is now the year 2021 and Flash is no longer supported. But in days gone by, countless fantastic browser games were written in Flash and it just so happens that a bunch of them are just oozing black humor. Back in the day we reviewed a bunch of them and collected them here in what we call the Flash Game Highlights. Have a look below and see what you missed.
If you're lucky, you might just be able to play some of these games via emulation or other means. Your best bet is to use Flashpoint, a webgame preservation project that currently has over 70000 browser games archived.
If you don't want to install Flashpoint, you can try your luck with the original web links collected in the list below. Please note that as of April 2021 most of these are no longer playable (these are marked by the red buttons) while some of them require a plugin that may or may not work (yellow buttons), but a few still work (green buttons) and these statuses may change in time as browser gaming sites make efforts to preserve these old gems. Here's to hoping that they will all be playable in a browser as they were meant to be played sooner or later!
Reviewed on 01/11/2011. One of the most infamous dark humor flash games ever made, Bloody Penguin. Click below to play if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 11/11/2011. The inappropriate, controversial, hilarious and satisfying Roadkill Revenge. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 21/11/2011. Had enough of all the cartoonish violence we review on this website? This is your lucky day! Here's Crazy Chess, a game of abstract violence. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 01/12/2011. After massacring black pawns with a white knight on a chessboard, it's time to play as the black knight for a change. "Let's call it a draw!" Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; appears to work as of April 2021 in Chrome.
Reviewed on 13/12/2011. Fed up with your job? Here's a real treat for you: a game about an office clerk who's literally dying to quit his job. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; appears to work as of April 2021 in Chrome.
Reviewed on 21/12/2011. The holiday special on the Flash Game Highlights. Worry not, we did it our way with a review of Hitman Christmas! Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 11/01/2012. For all you wannabe vampires out there, it's time to get some training from the Count in the game Vampire Skills. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 25/01/2012. Vampires meet physics. Run for your lives! No, seriously, it's a fun puzzle game with vampires and physics. And werewolves that eat priests. Gotta love that. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 08/02/2012. If you like epic boss fights you're gonna love this game. You play as a shark as you try to kill a giant crab who's armed with more weapons than Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando. Need we say more? Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 22/02/2012. If you think growing mushrooms is an easy job you've never seen 30 bears lay siege to a mushroom glade. No, we're not high, we're just reviewing Mushroom Madness 2, a game where you must protect a mushroom glade from pretty much the entire forest. With baseball bats, machine guns, and grenade launchers. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 14/03/2012. All We Need Is Brain is a puzzle game which lets you drown, shoot, squash, and blow up zombies. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 11/04/2012. Another holiday edition review. Cue the corny oneliners, load the rocket launcher, and face the Easter Bunny! Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 09/05/2012. The following contest is a triple threat elimination match to be contested under extreme rules. Introducing first, from the quarry, the Rock. His opponent, from a notebook, the Paper. And their opponent, from your drawer, the Scissors! Llllllllllllllets get ready to rumble! Move over Mortal Kombat, the ultimate Flash-based fighting game just ate your soul for breakfast. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 06/06/2012. How do you cross Russian Roulette with an adventure game? Why, by locking a would-be knight with about two brain cells into a tower filled with booby traps, demons, bookworms, and a witch with a killer appetite, of course! Note, while the objective of this game is to find the exit, it's much more entertaining to take the wrong path. Just remember, don't try this in real life. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 26/07/2012. As if the Red Alert games hadn't militarized the Tesla Coil enough, here we have a game that's probably making Nikola Tesla roll in his grave... or making him proud if you believe the rumors that he in fact wanted to build a Death Ray. Either way, it's awesome! Short and ridiculously simple, but awesome nonetheless. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 28/09/2012. We love cute little animals. Here's a game where you play as an adorable species of fish: piranhas. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; Kongregate recommends installing the SuperNova Extension in Chrome to enable playing the game.
Reviewed on 25/12/2012. In case you're looking for something different for the holiday season, try eating Santa Claus! Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
Reviewed on 10/04/2013. Con City's very own Mister Jake is here to present to you a game about an intergalactic professional hitman. We always pick the right man for the right job. Click below to play, if you're lucky and it still works in 2021 or later; does not appear to work as of April 2021 but this may change in the future.
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